How To Make Video | New Avee Player Template | Photo Changing Video Editing | Video Kaise Banaye |
How To Make Video | New Avee Player Template | Photo Changing Video Editing | Video Kaise Banaye |
In today's This Article, I'll be giving you a tutorial,the kinemaster video editing app,I'll be covering all the basics.So that way when you finish this video,you can get started editing right away.
Now, if you're new to the Website,I show you how to make videos on your s
martphone so you can grow an audience, help others and make money doing what you love. So if that interests you, be sure to subscribe to this Site. And let's jump in to this tutorial now. I'll be doing this tutorial from my Android. But don't worry, if you're on any phone or you're on your iPhone, it's getting to be the precise same found out. It's just going to be a little spaced out because it's on my android. But that also means I can have a mouse hooked up so you can see exactly where I'm clicking. So to start, we're just going to click the button over here and allow access to all any photos. And here we can change your aspect ratio. So if you're going to do like an Instagram or like a tik tok, you could do that. But we're just going to do this for YouTube, 16 by nine. That's the standard. We're going to click on that.
martphone so you can grow an audience, help others and make money doing what you love. So if that interests you, be sure to subscribe to this Site. And let's jump in to this tutorial now. I'll be doing this tutorial from my Android. But don't worry, if you're on any phone or you're on your iPhone, it's getting to be the precise same found out. It's just going to be a little spaced out because it's on my android. But that also means I can have a mouse hooked up so you can see exactly where I'm clicking. So to start, we're just going to click the button over here and allow access to all any photos. And here we can change your aspect ratio. So if you're going to do like an Instagram or like a tik tok, you could do that. But we're just going to do this for YouTube, 16 by nine. That's the standard. We're going to click on that.
All right. Now, this looks very scary. You see all these settings and knobs. Just don't worry about them. I'll be showing you the ones you just need to care about to get started.
So if it looks complicated, don't worry. The main area we're going to be looking at is just this little knob here. That's all you really have to pay attention to. And then also the delete button, which will get into later. But so to start, what we're going to do is click on media over here and it's going to open up all our footage where we can find it. You can choose all. I actually have a album called Video Editing where I have all the videos are going to be using for this tutorial. So what we can do then is just click on our videos and they're added right to the timeline. So I'm just going to go ahead and click on all of them. There we go. And then we can click the check mark. And then if we want, we can use our finger and we can scroll through and take a look at all the videos added to our timeline if you want to rearrange your clips and move them around. The easiest way to do it is to take your fingers in. You're just going to pinch and it'll zoom out.
And then what I do is I click on the video, I hold down my finger and I grab the clips. The I have it now. I can actually move it right over. There we go. Let go and see. Now I moved it to the spine. You can do that for any of the clips. You can just click on them, grab them, move it over, let go. And there you go. You can move the clips around if you want to trim your clips.
All you've got to try to to is click on the video. There's two ways you can do this. The first ways you can just grab either edge of the clip and extend it and move it just like that. Otherwise, if you want to be a little way I think is easier is just line up wherever you want to clip it and then you just go over to the settings here, click, trim, slash, split, and then just click either trim to the left of the play head or trim to the right of the play head. So if I wanted this part removed, I could just click trim to the left. I can scroll over to the spot where I want it to cut out at the end. Trim to right of play head in, there we go, it easily cuts it, read that spot instead of just trying to use my finger, which could be like inaccurate from where I want it to be. Now, if you do make a mistake and you just want to reverse an action over on the side here, there's actually this button here which reverses any actions you did. So I can click reverse, which will reverse or trim, click it again and reverse the other side so you can use these buttons to reverse mistakes in case you do something wrong. If you want to delete a clip, you can just click on the video and then on the sidebar here, you'll see the delete trash can. You can just click that and it'll delete the clip. Now, I'm just gonna use the back burn because I want that video to stay in our timeline. If you want to drop in on your video, what you can do is click on your clip. You're going to click on Pan and Zoom and then we're going to do is click this equals button. And what that's going to do is technically in pan and zoom, you can make a video zoom, but if you click like this = equal button, it's going to allow you to crop your video. So once you do that, you can just use your fingers on your screen, zoom in to where you want it to crop moving around. There we go.
And then you can click the check mark and your video is cropped in. If you want to add transitions to your video, all you got to do is click the plus button. That's right. Between both clips. So I'll click on that. And then they actually have a whole bunch of different transitions you can choose from to do this one. You know, there's a whole bunch of weird transitions you could choose from to put into your videos. If you want to add text to your videos, all you've got to try to to is click on layers, click, add text, and then you can type your text into the box, click the check mark and I'll add it to the timeline. You can then resize it. Maybe we'll move it right here. And then on the side here, you have all your settings for your text so you can change here, your font and make it a little more bold. Click checkmark. Here we go. You could add background to it. You can cause animations. You could have it transition in and out. There's a lot of different options here that you can go through to really customize your text and make it look professional. If you would like to feature music to your videos, you literally just click on the audio button and you can access your internal files if it's saved to your files on your phone. Otherwise you can go to like your Apple music and different stuff like that and be able to add music to your timeline.
Personally, I like to use a screen recorder. I actually did a video on how to add music to master and get music off of YouTube into your timeline. I'll have that link down below if you want to watch it. But here you can access all your internal music on your smartphone and use it. Now, if you want to add a photo on the top of your video, like to have it in the corner while you're talking. What we can do is click on layers and then we can click on media. And then we can go to our photos or videos, and what's really cool is you can stack videos upon videos. So if you're doing a reaction channel or a gaming channel, you want to have your video playing in the corner. And the main video you gaming, you can do that within this app. So if I wanted, I could stack a video on top of a video. Otherwise I could also put a photo. I can just go down the photo here, click that like all, and I'd be able to add photos so I could click on, for example, this Instagram logo. There we go. I can resize it. I could put it within the corner like that. And then on the side here, you have all those awesome features like that you can use to enhance your photo, whether that's animations or filters, etc. If you want to do some color grading to your footage, you can actually go into just click on the video and then you can go to there's a few filters features here. There's the filter button. So they have some built-In filters that you can apply to your video. And you can also click on this knob here and adjust how powerful that filter is. So what we could do is let's see if we can find a nice one here. That doesn't look too bad. So apply that a little check. And then what we can also do is there's the vignette option here. You could apply a vignette to your video and have that black coming around on the sides there.
Or you could click click
it again and turn it off. And you can also go to adjustments and you can control, like the brightness, the contrast saturation, basically the amount of color, etc. within these options here. When you're finished editing your videos, you can click this button here, which is the export button.
You can then choose your frame rate,
your resolution, how high quality it's going to be. Then you can click export and then you'd be able to upload it in YouTube
app or the Tik Tok app, etc.
Now, if you're interested in learning some more advanced features within this app, like how to how to subscribe button your social media handles, etc, you can actually click on this video right here. I did showing you danced editing tips within King Master.
Thanks for Watching.
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